Item(s) have become unavailable and have been removed from your cart
Permit Type Unavailable
The selected permit is sold out.
Permit Type Unavailable
The selected permit is unavailable.
Location Unavailable
The selected location is unavailable.
Location Unavailable
The selected location is not available during the given times.
Space Unavailable
The selected space is not available during the given times.
Select Vehicles
Please select the correct number of vehicles.
Invalid Vehicle Year
Please enter a vehicle year between 1950 and 2050.
Cart may only contain a single permit request
Please complete your shopping cart before requesting an additional permit,if you choose to continue the permit request in your cart will be removed.
Join Waiting List
Your request to join the waitlist has been submitted.
Permit Type Unavailable for Vehicle
Unconfirmed Items in Form
Please confirm all sections in this form before submitting.
Unable to add permit to shopping cart
An invalid location for this permit type was provided. Please select another location and try again.
Unable to add permit to shopping cart
An invalid space for this permit's location was provided. Please select another space and try again.
Unable to add permit to shopping cart
The submitted permit is missing a required attribute. Please verify that all required attributes have been entered, and try again
Unable to add permit to shopping cart
The submitted permit has an invalid or missing delivery option. Please verify that a delivery option has been selected, and try again
Unable to add permit to shopping cart
Error calculating permit cost. Please try again
Unable to add permit to shopping cart
This permit type is only available when logged in. Please login to continue.
Unable to add permit to shopping cart
This permit type requires user-selected start and end dates. Deselect the "Unique Purchases per" option in AIMS Admin --> Permits --> Res. St. Search Permit Types to remove date selection requirement.
Unable to add permit to shopping cart
Unable to add permit to shopping cart, as doing so would exceed the residential street permit purchase capacity.
Unable to add permit to shopping cart
Unable to add permit to shopping cart, as this account does not belong to a valid resident street.
Unable to add permit to shopping cart
Unable to add permit to shopping cart, as this account does not have a contact address.
Invalid Start Date
Please enter a permit start date.
Invalid End Date
Please enter a permit end date.
Invalid Voucher Code
Voucher code entered is not valid. Please enter a valid voucher code.
Invalid Permit Type
Permit type selected is not valid. Please select a valid permit type for this event.
Invalid Permit Location/Section
Permit location/section selected is not valid. Please select a valid permit location/section.
Unable to Complete Request
Cannot complete request without first paying for all open tickets on the selected vehicle(s).
Unable to Add Vehicle
Vehicle already exists with the same Plate Number and State. Please edit the existing vehicle to continue or add a new vehicle.
Outstanding balance on ticket(s)
A ticket on your account has an outstanding balance. Cannot order a permit at this time. To continue, pay all tickets on your account.
Unable to Complete Request
Cannot order a permit at this time. Your acccount has outstanding fee(s). To continue, pay all fees on your account.
Unable to Complete Request
Cannot order a permit at this time. Your account has one or more permits with an outstanding balance. To continue, pay all permits on your account.
Unable to Complete Request
Cannot order a permit at this time. Your account has one or more vehicle warnings that do not allow you to purchase a permit. Contact the parking department for more details.
Unable to Complete Request
Cannot complete request one or more selected vehicles are on active permits.
Unable to Complete Request
Cannot complete request one or more selected vehicles are on unprocessed change requests.